The apple with the sticker is of export quality and has a high price.

The sticker that is on the apple contains information about the quality of the fruit.

If you buy an apple with a sticker in the store and think it is new, expensive and of good quality, then this news is for you. When we buy apples or other products in the market or shops, we see a sticker on it. The apple with the sticker is of export quality and has a high price, so the seller sold it with the note that the sticker is attached. In reality, the sticker is not attached to cover the bad part or to hide the rot. Every apple is sold with a sticker attached to the apple. 99% of people do not know this. According to experts, not only apples but also oranges are now being sold with stickers. Most people who see shiny apples with stickers think they are expensive. Oftentimes, the dealers sell the apples with the sticker at a higher price. But this sticker is directly related to health. So when you buy an apple, read the sticker that is on the apple. Because that is what you are eating.

The sticker that is on the apple contains information about the quality of the fruit and how it was grown. Some stickers have four-digit numbers on them. That means they have numbers like 4026 or 4987. It indicates that these fruits have been grown using pesticides and chemicals. Pesticides are often used on these fruits. These fruits are cheaper and if you eat them, it means you are buying fruits that have fertilisers and pesticides.

Some fruits have five-digit numbers on them. That means these fruits that start with 8, like 84131, and 86532, are genetically modified. These fruits are not natural. They are a bit more expensive than pesticide-treated fruits. This has both good and bad sides.

Some fruits have a five-digit code that starts with 9. If it says 93435, it means that the fruit is organically grown and no pesticides or chemicals are used. Although it is a safe fruit, the price is a little high. But they are good for your health.

Although each sticker has a different meaning, some people use it to make fake stickers and stick them on fruits. This type of fake sticker is used to charge more money from the customers by claiming that they are export quality, top quality and premium varieties. So be very careful while buying fruits with stickers.