A high quality, premium dog food helps your dog to stay fit, active, and healthy. But sometimes, the best of the premium dog foods don’t seem to work for your pooch because she is sensitive to some of the ingredients in her favorite kibble and canned food. Or simply, the food doesn’t help her achieve her wellness goals.

For the same reason, my sister was looking for a customized dog food that can help her dog gain some weight. Her Samoyed Ollie was underweight (43 pounds). She gave it a try to Just Right by Purina, Paul’s Custom Pet Food, and The Farmer’s Dog. But these weren’t able to move the needle much. Ollie is an innate picky eater who won’t easily compromise with the taste. Then she came across Puppo, she took her bet and saw the difference in his appetite and his weight.

I was gratified by the changes Puppo was able to bring and learned that it’s one of the emerging personalized dog food companies that had something valuable for Ollie. I studied and researched the product and decided to review it for our beloved readers.

Puppo Dog Food Review: Personalized and Custom

When I visited their site, I found out that Puppo custom dog food range, for now, is limited to kibbles. First, I will share my experience with ordering food and then we will see overall food quality and discuss its value for money.

How They Personalize Food for Your Dog

When I finally decided to order Puppo, I tried to go through the customer reviews on Amazon and Chewy. But, it turned out that Puppo is not available on any E-commerce website except their own.

The next thing I did was signing up and answering the questions they asked about my dog at Puppo.com. The questionnaire is quite simple and won’t take much time to complete.

The questions were asking the information about my dog’s breed, name, dog’s photo to print it on my dog food bag (optional), age, weight, activity levels, dog’s food sensitivities, favorite taste, and wellness goals.

Be precise with your doggo’s details because, at the end of the questionnaire, you will be suggested your dog’s calorie intake, kibble formula, and the amount of food to feed each day. My sister let me order Puppo for Ollie this time to review it. Here is what he got.

puppo calorie count

As you can see, Ollie needs to be on a maintenance diet and the daily required calorie count is 1126 Kcal. A good thing about Puppo is you can chat with the nutrition expert anytime you want to. If you have any questions about their recommendation, Puppo experts are just one tap away. Their customer support is excellent.

And If you think your dog is getting healthier and moving towards his wellness goals, you can let them know about the changing factors and Puppo will craft it accordingly.

puppo kibble requirements

The serving size according to calorie count and nutritional value turned out to be 2.75 cups a day. And based on that, my order at the checkout read 4 bags of 5lb weight which will last about 28 days.

I was a little skeptical about its texture. Some dogs like Ollie are a picky eater. But after seeing Ollie ravenously eating this kibble, I believe most of the dogs will love it. My experience of designing or creating my own dog food was amazing too.

Puppo Dog Food Ingredients

Puppo kibbles are made of real meat, whole grains, and don’t contain any by-product meal, or artificial ingredients. The way Ollie devours on Puppo kibbles, I am pretty sure kibbles are extremely tasty.

The wholesome ingredients and no by-products or artificial ingredients make it better than other dog foods.

I was asked to choose Ollie’s favorite flavor and food sensitivities. In addition, there were multiple options to choose from as Ollie’s wellness goals. However, there was not an option available that clearly indicates the goal ‘weight gain’.

Nevertheless, I proceeded further to see how they’ll address Ollie’s weight gain goal. Because Ollie has gained weight after my sister started feeding him Puppo. Also, I chose Healthy joints and Healthy skin/coat as wellness goals for Ollie. And Puppo made sure the kibble has enough amount of Glucosamine and Chondroitin, and Omega-3s and 6s in it. You can see the label of all the ingredients and its nutritional value.

puppo dog food nutritional breakdown

All in all, the ingredients are quite similar to that of other premium dog kibbles. But more room for customization gives Puppo an edge over other premium foods in terms of taste and nutritional needs to achieve wellness goals.

What Choices Do You Get for Sensitivities and Flavors?

Soy, Corn, Lamb, Eggs, Pork, Fish, White Potatoes, Grains (Rice, Barley, Oats), Beef
Dairy, Chicken, Wheat are the options you can choose from. I chose Wheat, soy, corn, and lamb as food sensitivities and Puppo took care of it well.

You can choose any of these flavors: beef, turkey, chicken, salmon, chicken, and lamb. As I have selected lamb as a sensitive food, I couldn’t select the lamb as Ollie’s favorite flavor.

The only downside I see is you don’t get an option where you can let them know about your dog’s ongoing medical issues and treatments. This option would make Puppo even more personalized that can aid in healing your Fido.

However, the dog experts on Puppo are just a tap away and you can discuss it with them whatever you have in mind.

Is Puppo Worth Your Money?

There is no point in spending too much on the dog kibble even if it gives a lot of room for customization. Well, there is no fixed cost for Puppo Kibble. You can only know the price of the food at the time of check out. This is because the quantity of the kibble changes according to your dog’s nutritional needs.

Here’s how much Ollie’s Secret Formula with Salmon and Lentils cost me.

puppo kibble pricing

Ollie’s first order was (4) 5-lb bags for $66 which will last about 28 days. That means it will cost me $2.35 per day. If you compare it with your current cost for dog food per day, it will be pretty much the same and even lower if you compare the prices with other premium dog food.

That said, $66 for about a month is nominal and worth it because you are getting a personalized dog kibble of premium quality specially tailored for your Fido. Their smart delivery system offers free delivery at your doorstep.

If you compare the prices with other personalized dog food companies like Purina, NomNomNow, The Farmer’s Dog, Ollie, and Pet Plate, Puppo is one of the inexpensive ones.

In addition, Puppo learns and adapts your pooch’s feeding habits and makes sure that you always have the right amount of food in hand. My order was 4 of 5 lb bags and it lasted about a month.


There are a few personalized dog food companies on the market and Puppo is standing out for its value for money. All in all, it packs wholesome human grade food ingredients and importantly, the kibbles are just made for your buddy. Whether or not you’re looking to switch your canine buddy’s dry dog food, you should at least give it a shot for once. You can also read what happy pet parents have to say about Puppo on the official website.

And if you’ve already tried it, let us know your experience with Puppo in the comment section below. Long Live The Canines!