Dreamed of staying in a hotel suite? Many British tourists dream of getting a free upgrade to a better room at a hotel.

While it’s not easy to get an upgrade, a hotel expert has shared his top tips for holidaymakers hoping to get a better room.

Mark Johnson, hotel expert and founder of H18YC, has shared his best tips for holidaymakers, including which day of the week they’re most likely to be upgraded.

Mark recommends staying at a hotel in the business district at the weekend, as they’re likely to be much quieter.

The hotel expert said: “If your hotel is in a business-centric location, it’s more likely you’ll be upgraded on a Friday or Saturday.

“This is because business travellers are more likely to stay during the working week, meaning better rooms often become available when they’ve all gone home for the weekend.”

Business travellers are unlikely to stay in hotels over the weekend, so that could be a great time to get a free upgrade.

Mark also recommended Britons join loyalty programs to increase their chances of getting an upgraded stay.

He said: “Many hotel chains offer loyalty programs which you can sign up to for free, and frequent guests will often receive exclusive perks, including discounts and freebies.

“If you often stay at the same chain, joining a loyalty scheme can increase your chances of complimentary room upgrades.”

Hotel loyalty schemes are often free to join and members will have access to perks that other guests won’t get.‌

‌Mark added: “Ask politely but don’t be unrealistic. If you’ve booked an economy room, don’t seek an upgrade to a luxury suite with a private balcony.

“If your request for an upgrade is initially declined, you can try again later if you’re staying for a few days. Explaining that you’re happy to switch rooms might tip the balance in your favour.”

Ever thought about using the hotel iron? Mark recently warned guests it might not be worth it.