Hearing the sound of “THUD” outside our window is always an unforgettable event to occur. It is a dreadful sight to witness a winged creature lying on the floor lifeless. And at most times there is nothing in your power that you can do to save that beautiful creature because it is already dead. But there are certain preventive steps you might take so you never get to witness such a terrible incident ever again. Therefore, it is important to understand why exactly does a bird hit window.

What makes a Bird hit Window?

A bird doesn’t take a window as a barrier. It couldn’t differentiate between a free flight path and the reflection. There are various factors that are responsible for these collisions. We can categorize these facts in two parts. They are:

Day Time Collision

Daytime collisions may occur due to multiple reasons. First of all, birds see the reflection of sky and foliage, and so could not differentiate between what is real and what is not. They consider it a clear flight path and fly full speed into it. It may not immediately die by the impact. But there are chances that it may die later on from bruises or internal injuries. The objects on the other side like potted plants or vegetation strongly appeal to them.

During Spring when the territoriality is high, they see their reflection and try to attack it considering its competition. In order to drive off the intruder, they repeatedly keep hitting the window. Robins and Flickers exhibit this kind of behavior. Intoxication may also be one of the reasons.

Night Time Collision

Nighttime collisions are a result of lighted windows which affect Nocturnal Migrants which includes most of the songbirds. Reflecting lights divert them from their regular paths. The reason behind this is still unknown. Sometimes they collide with each other failing to understand their flight path.

How to Keep Birds from Hitting Window?

It is important for us to understand the in-depths of this situation from a bird’s point of view. So we have to start identifying windows which may prove to be life-threatening for a bird’s life. All large paired windows at right angles to each other or the ones with feeders outside may prove to be life-threatening.

There are a few of the ideas that might help safeguard birds –

#1. Move Feeders – Keep the Feeders 1.5 feet or 30 feet away from the window.


#2. Netting – Netting can be applied so that it is few inches away from the glass. This will prove to be a firm barrier and prevent them from hitting windows.


#3. One-way Transparent CoatingCollidescape is one such product which allows people to see out from the inside but stops the light coming out and thus making the window opaque from the outside. This helps reduce down the scattering of light on the outside. Also, this might help in reducing the cooling costs.


#4. Soap or Tempera Paint – Paint exterior window with Soap or Tempera Paint. This paint doesn’t get washed away by rain. It can easily be wiped off with a sponge. You can always make your own stencils or else get them for free from Spray Paint Stencils.


#5. Attach Decals – Apply Stickers and Decals on the outside of the windows.


#6. Anti Reflecting Window Coating – CollidEscape provides Anti-reflective vinyl or polyester films that are to be applied to the exterior of a window. This would help make it visible to birds.


#7. Tape Strips – Strips can be attached of chart tapes. These long-lasting tapes also offer an easier way to apply the correct spacing of dots across your window.

Consider implementing above-mentioned ideas so as to prevent birds from hitting windows.

How to help a Bird that has hit a Window?

The occurrence of birds hitting window is not necessarily every time fatal. It may be stunned or injured. In such cases, we must do all in our power to keep the beautiful creature alive. If the injury is noticeable then take it immediately for medical treatment. We may heal the bones if we provide on-time medical attention.

If you are unable to take it immediately for medical treatment, then keep it in quiet, warm and dark conditions. This will help bird calm down and revive unless the injury is too serious. Still, if you see signs of recovery in bird take the box outside and keep it open and see if it flies off. But do not let it outside for too long. If it doesn’t seem to be in a state to fly bring it back inside.

If the bird doesn’t seem to recover within few hours after the accident contact a Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre.

ALWAYS REMEMBER – Your one small step could save someone from dying.