Tired of regular pet grooming visits? Is your professional dog groomer charging more than usual for basic pet care? Then it’s time for you to know the best dog grooming tips given by professional pet groomers for all dog parents and dog lovers. 

Dog Grooming is not an easy task. It sure requires some intricate work and is best handled by professional pet groomers. However, a basic grooming session can cost you a hefty amount and burn a hole in your pockets.

Professional groomers do a superficial job which may not be very pleasing and satisfying to you and your dog. Moreover, the equipment and accessories they use are not always hygienic as they are used for multiple dogs. This can trigger unwanted skin and coat allergies.

If you are a novice at dog grooming and have never tried it before, you do not need to depend on professional groomers. We have listed 10 dog grooming tips for beginners from professionals that would help you keep your dog looking dapper and in top shape.

1. Trim Their Nails

Nail trimming forms an essential step in grooming your pet. Dog nails should be trimmed at least once in a month. Some dogs may also require frequent nail trimming, maybe as soon as 2 weeks whereas some dogs can wait for a good 4-6 weeks.

One has to be ready to face some unusual doggy behavior while nail trimming. If you cut their nails unevenly, they have veins attached to their nails which can get injured and start bleeding.

Long nails can also cause problems to dogs while walking or to ones suffering from arthritis. The nails can also end up curving towards the pad of your dog’s foot which can poke into their feet each time they walk.

The best way to deal with the long nails is to use a nail clipper. Try to flip their paw back and position them accordingly so they do not look at their legs while clipping. Make sure to not trim too much of their nail at once and maintain a habit of clipping their nails once a week.

2. Clean Their Ears

Ear cleaning forms an important part of canine grooming. Your dog’s ears should be cleaned at least once a month. However, if you have a dog with floppy or heavy ears, then it would require frequent cleaning. Doggy ears are prone to developing large amounts of wax and houses a vast number of bacteria.

Clean Their Ears

If you are considering cleaning their ears with earbuds, make sure to not insert them too deep. You can use cotton ear swabs to clean the outer ear folds and ear flaps.

Alternatively, you can also consider cleansing agents or prepare natural cleansers like recipes with vinegar or hydrogen peroxide to clean their ears gently.

If your dog’s a swimmer, make sure to clean their ears after each swim. Keep them dry and wipe their ears well to avoid bacteria from growing inside.

3. Brush Their Teeth Atleast Once a Day

Dogs are very prone to periodontal diseases and can develop dental issues in as early as 3 years of age. Ideally, most dog parents brush their pet’s teeth 2-3 times a week but it is recommended to brush daily. If you are a beginner and new to dog teeth brushing, you need to be gentle on their teeth.

Brush Their Teeth Atleast Once a Day

Make your dog sniff and get used to the smell and taste of the toothpaste. Never use a toothbrush to start with. Gently rub the paste on your dog’s teeth with your fingers. Eventually, introduce a toothbrush once he gets accustomed to the paste.

There are two components you need to consider before brushing your dog’s teeth:

  • Use a soft toothbrush: Ideally, soft toothbrushes that are meant for children are best for your canine’s sensitive gums. If you are not successful at using a toothbrush, use a rubber finger brush instead. If a brush makes your dog uncomfortable, there are special dental sprays and chew treats available as alternatives.
  • Use a mild toothpaste: There are various kinds of toothpaste specifically designed for dogs that do not contain ingredients and chemicals that human toothpaste contains. The harsh chemicals might be harmful to dogs as they do not spit after brushing and may ingest the paste.

4. Wash Their Face

Certain dog breeds like the Pug, Bulldog, Boxer, Cocker Spaniel, etc. have folds on their skin which can end up accumulating moisture. A moist surface makes a great environment for certain bacteria that cause skin diseases like dermatitis.

It is important to keep their face clean and dry every day. You can clean with a wet and warm cloth or even a soft baby wipe does the trick. If you see any bulging growth or rash on your dog’s skin, consult the vet immediately as they may suggest a medicated soap solution.

Conclusively, frequent grooming and face cleaning will prevent the bacteria from developing onto their skin folds.

5. Clean Around the Eyes

Excessive tearing or any discharge from the eyes can lead to forming sticky substance around their eyes called goop. Once they remain deposited for long, they form hard crusts that can be extracted with a flea comb.

Clean Around the Eyes

If a flea comb scares your dog, use a warm cloth to rub against their eyes and then extract the goop using a comb.

If you see any redness or unusual discharge coming from your dog’s eye, it could be a serious sign of conjunctivitis. If the goop has changed its color from the usual mucus-like whitish discharge, get your pet checked with a vet immediately.

6. Give Them a Bath

It is recommended to give your dog a bath once a month. However, some dog parents believe in bathing and grooming their dogs every week. Long-haired dog breeds will require frequent cleaning and grooming to make sure of not having any dust or ticks on their coat.

Give Them a Bath

If you plan to give your dog a bath often, make sure to use a mild shampoo. Additionally, you can also use a conditioner if your dog’s coat feels dry and has lost luster.

Take special care before giving your dog a bath. This includes keeping all their cleaning essentials handy, using a soft brush over their skin, and never leaving them alone in the bathroom on soapy or slippery surfaces.

7. Trim Dog Hair

As dog parents, we all know how messy canine hair can get. Therefore, it becomes essential to trim the coat and hair every 2 months. Pet grooming clippers can help you get the precision you need for trimming and shaping your dog’s coat.

Trim Dog Hair

Make sure to keep the clipper blades flat and not raised in order to avoid injuries. These clippers also help in removing hair from the edges of the ears, armpits, below the feet, and other nooks and crevices. The best part, they save you big-budgeted visits to the pet groomer.

Trimming Matted Dog Coats

Trimming Matted Dog Coats

Densely coated dogs often have matted hair strands that are deeply entangled and do not glide over each other. This condition can get serious as it can lead to skin irritation and inflammation. During such cases, you can use dog clippers for matted hair. This can save you frequent visits to a pet groomer and help you get professional style ‘detangled dog coats’.

8. Watch Your Dog’s Diet

While you might be wondering what’s dog food got to do with grooming, it certainly makes a difference. Grooming mostly takes care of all your dog’s skin and coat needs but simple and nutritious food can ease the grooming process.

Watch Your Dog's Diet

Dog foods rich in sugars and fats, lead to an increase in your canine’s blood pressure. This, in turn, generates a peculiar odor from their body that attracts yeasts, ticks, and lice onto their skin and coat. These yeasts and lice can cause severe skin infections like dermatitis or rashes.

Therefore, keep their diet fat and sugar-free to not attract skin-related bacteria and pathogens on their skin and coat.

9. Dog Shampoo

Densely coated breeds require frequent bathing and shampooing as they have higher chances of attracting ticks and lice on their hair and dense coat.

putting shampoo on a dog

While excessive shampooing is not advisable, choose one which is mild and hypoallergenic. Ingredients like oatmeal are extremely gentle on your dog’s skin and can be used.

Shampoos specially dedicated to dogs are available which have a different pH level as compared to human shampoos. These are mild and gentle and will not trigger any unwanted reactions or allergies. Certain shampoos also possess a mild fragrance which leaves your dog feeling fresh.

Shampoo for White Coated Breeds

White coated breeds would look pale and are prone to getting dirty often. There are special whitening shampoos available or you could wash them using a colorless shampoo.

Certain dog breeds like the Westland Terrier tend to absorb color on their coat. Therefore, a colored shampoo will end up staining their coat. Whitening shampoos prevent your dogs from getting colored and helps keep their coats white and bright!

10. Quick Health Check

The best habit you can follow in order to maintain proper grooming for your pooch is to make a checklist. This checklist would include all the grooming essentials we just mentioned above.

You can also visit the vet for a regular health check-up once a month which would help in diagnosing any health conditions before matters get worse.

Considering these grooming tips which are recommended and followed by professionals as well as pet experts would make your four-legged friend feel good about themselves, and make you feel good about them.

Final Note

Dog Grooming requires immense detailing and has certain aspects to be taken care of. This includes each and every part of their body, right from their hair, skin, coat, nails, ears, accessories to even their diet.

While professional groomers might do a decent job, they charge you big bucks which can go hard on your pockets. Our ideas on the best dog grooming tips for beginners is suitable for every dog parent on this planet, who want to make their canines look great and adorable.

After all, our four-legged friends deserve to look as good as us, don’t they?